This is an update to my Sept. 25 Article WEAPONIZED FEC FIASCO.
The Federal Election Commission website ( past years’ archived historical campaign finance donor data constantly changes, with unexplained massive fluctuations on a daily basis.
While researching the website using the exact same parameter fields to check ONLY PAST YEARS’ (2017-2022) campaign donor contribution information, you should not see HISTORICAL DATA changing, especially by such large amounts.
It appears the FEC campaign reporting website is being manipulated by design.
Per citizen researcher graph below, tracking the website’s PAST YEARS’ (2017-2022) campaign contributions, beginning May 7, 2023, through Dec. 21 2023, there continues to be wild fluctuations. Currently, (for those past years) the high mark is Aug. 24, 2023, where there were 117,974,000 reported campaign contributions. The low mark is Sept. 27, 2023, where there were 109,096,000 reported campaign contributions.
When you track, plot, and graph the data changes, there is a mean average of about 116,200,000 total number of individual contributions for years 2017-2022, trending slightly downward.
The biggest one-day movement was on Sept. 27, 2023, when individual contributions decreased by 7,374,000 from the prior day. Then over the next two days, individual contributions increased by 7,061,000.
Yesterday’s past year’s number was 116,301,000 campaign contributions. Today’s number is 117,045, 000! What will it be tomorrow for those past archived years???
There is no reason why campaign donor data for past years should be changing.
Are the millions of constantly changing FEC donor donations evidence of purposeful obfuscation?
Who or what is continually changing / adding / deleting / purging the FEC database campaign contributions in years 2017-2022? Why is this happening???
Just how corrupt is the current Biden Administrative State?
Is China involved?
Are bad actors and foreign agents taking advantage of the FEC vulnerabilities to control and swing elections?
Are the actual campaign donors giving permission for this to occur to their past donations? How many of these transactions are donor identity theft and fraudulent donations?
ELDER ABUSE? OMG Media’s James O’Keefe continues to expose alarming reports from Citizen Journalists finding thousands of potential fraudulent donations (mostly by ActBlue) having reportedly donated thousands of times using innocent seniors citizens names and addresses without their knowledge or permission.
The evidence says that these are campaign finance law violations that facilitate money laundering. The crime is that someone or something is changing and manipulating official FEC historical campaign finance data.
The way campaign donation money is raised and spent plays a large part in who wins and who loses elections. So, if the FEC policies allow fraudulent donations, then what about the origin of the donation???
Could this potentially be how election fraud powers that be manipulate voter database elections rolls? Or how voter rolls are being manipulated to take advantage of mail-in voting?
Is this evidence of artificial intelligence (A.I.) computer algorithms at work?
It very much appears the FEC is weaponized, and their website is a vehicle for fraud, election interference, election tampering, electioneering, and the concealment of money laundering, keeping oligarchs in power.
Why is the FEC allowing this? Where is FEC oversight / enforcement? Why does the FEC authorize campaigns to self-regulate themselves?
What could go wrong???
Most obviously, filing complaints of thousands of individual donor 10 cent to $1 transactions is suspect. This makes it very difficult to prove identity theft of unsuspecting donors when the past year’s data keeps changing daily. And of course, the FEC knows this…
We have a nearly 34 Trillion Dollar National Debt. It is time to make budget cuts. Congress needs to act and defund the FEC NOW!
Allow the 50 individual states to manage federal campaigns for contributors sourced in their state. Every dollar contributed to all political campaigns needs to be tracked, and subject to random audits for FULL accountability.
Bill Bruch
Bill Bruch is the WA State GOP Election Integrity Chairman, WSRP Executive Board Member, 4-Term Skagit County GOP Chairman, Citizen Journalist, Blogger, Business Owner, “2021 Citizen Activist of the Year” award by the Olympic Conference, 2020 WA State House Representative Candidate, Former Council Member, and WA State 2016 RNC National Convention Delegate.
More Related Source Docs, Links and Articles:
FEC Commissioner Says Agency ‘Weaponized’ Against GOP
FEC Chairman Exposes Bishops’ Agenda
Congressman Matt Gaetz “Put Zombie Donors to Rest Act”
James O’ Keefe gives ActBlue / FEC update: Corruption in Full Focus
VIDEO: O’Keefe Media Group Uncovers Potential MASSIVE Money Laundering into Political Campaigns
Even More Evidence of Potential FEC Corruption…What Good is the FEC?
Do Federal Elections Commission Policies & Website Facilitate Money Laundering? (Part 2)
Exposed: RICO Election Crimes In Washington State - Part 2