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March 30, 2023 Election Integrity Update - EXPOSED: RICO Election Crimes in Washington State - Part 2
This article is a follow-up to my March 20 article EXPOSED: RICO ELECTION CRIMES IN WASHINGTON STATE. After publication I received several emails from interested citizens who tried my suggestion to see how large scale and serious the election fraud is in our state:
Go to the Federal Election Commission ( Website HERE, then on the left side of the page type in ANY Zip code in the provided field, and Not Employed in the Occupation filter. You will then see a screen of the names of the Contributors, notice the vast majority of their donations (.01 to $20) end up going to ActBlue / Dem Operatives. The problem being, the record reflects that many of the individual donors are EACH donating *(unbeknownst to them in many cases), hundreds or THOUSANDS of times each year to this and other Leftist PAC's. Also, often times, the record shows the same person is donating in multiple zip codes!
Citizen researchers are blown away at what they are finding, here are just a few real-life examples:
A "Not Employed" Bellingham man somehow donated 2,274 times to ActBlue between 1/1/21 - 12/31/22. After expanding the fields from 1/1/17 to 12/31/22, this man's ActBlue donations increased to 6,327 times.
A "Not Employed" Seattle woman donated 3,984 times to ActBlue from 1/1/21 - 12/31/22. If you expand the fields to include ALL States, a donor (with same name, middle initial and birthday) donated 4,742 times to ActBlue from 1/1/21 - 12/31/22. Hmm...
A "Not Employed" Seattle woman donor somehow donated 9,189 times from 1/1/21 - 12/31/22 for a total of $63,596 to ActBlue.
From 1/1/21 - 12/31/22 a "Not Employed" woman in Clallam County donated 1,791 times to ActBlue and other Democrat PAC's.
A "Not Employed" man in Clallam County donated 1,227 times, 95% to ActBlue, 5% to Democrat PACS, and Warnock for GA from 1/1/21 - 12/31/22.
A "Not Employed" man in Snohomish County sold his home 8/3/22 but proceeded to donate to ActBlue from there 147 more times before the year was over.
A "Not Employed" Seattle man donated 2,184 times (vast majority) to ActBlue from 10/15/19- 12/31/22 for $58,662
From 1/1/21 - 12/31/22 a "Not Employed" individual recorded 558 donations to Warnock for GA., all for substantial amounts and inexplicably one (1) "Retired" WinRed donation for $50.
From 1/1/21 - 12/31/22 a "Not Employed" Vancouver man donated 252 times to Warnock for GA .
THE NUMBERS DO NOT ADD UP: As an example, per the FEC website, in Clallam County between 1/1/21 - 12/31/22 there were 1,455,000 Million political donations made. The problem being is that in Clallam County there are about 78,000 TOTAL RESIDENTS, meaning that every man, woman and child has an average of 18.65 donations per person. Hmm...
A "Not Employed" WA State Donor In August and September 2022, donated:
2 times on the 2nd day of the month,
4 times on the 7th day of the month,
2 times on the 11th day of the month,
2 times on the 15th day of the month,
3 times on the 16th day of the month,
3 times on the 18th day of the month,
3 times on the 20th day of the month,
to ActBlue. Also, October and other months show similar patterns. Hmm...
According to the website, a "Not Employed" ActBlue / Dem Vancouver female donor contributed 17,615 separate times between 1/1/21 - 12/31/22 to ActBlue and Democrat PAC's and Campaigns and a Bremerton man donated 14,664 times between 1/1/21 - 12/31/22 to ActBlue and Democrat PAC's and Campaigns (LINK).
This is not normal human behavior. The evidence is overwhelming that sophisticated computer algorithm programs are in actuality distributing the funds via thousands of small dollar donations to launder hundreds of millions of dollars.
ARTICLE: Millions of Tiny, Suspicious Political Donations Questioned by Watchdog Group
Lots of fraudulent small donations makes it appear that a campaign has much support from many everyday people...But the evidence is showing there are MANY, MANY fewer 'actual' people donating, and they are innocent victims of identity theft and easy targets for the criminals laundering the money.
Yes, sadly it appears that these predators are using mostly Not Employed and/or Retired seniors to make THOUSANDS of illegal campaign contributions WITHOUT THEIR KNOWLEDGE, to the tune of thousands of dollars of money transfers.
THIS APPEARS TO BE CAMPAIGN FINANCE MONEY LAUNDERING, IDENTITY THEFT AND ELDER ABUSE is so widespread that it is hard to imagine this can't be happening without these Leftist PAC's knowing about it. And with the recent Arizona RICO crimes being exposed via the Sinaloa Cartel money laundering real estate / property deed schemes, implicating Katie Hobbs, etc. it makes one ask: To what extent are these illegal crimes going on in our state?
Of no surprise, according to the Open Secrets Website the ActBlue Political Action Committee (PAC) substantially ramped up their fundraising and spending efforts during the Obama Administration, then in 2018 when plans to stop Trump at all costs surfaced, ActBlue fundraising began to skyrocket into the billions (see table).
2004: ActBlue Raised $914,034 - Spent $903,436
2006: ActBlue Raised 15.97 M - Spent 15.79 M
2008: ActBlue Raised 54.59 M - Spent 54.38 M
2010: ActBlue Raised 63.97 M - Spent 54.36 M
2012: ActBlue Raised 151.11 M - Spent 147.19 M
2014: ActBlue Raised 280.31 M - Spent 224.57 M
2016: ActBlue Raised 653.63 M - Spent 645.32 M
2018: ActBlue Raised 1.26 B - Spent 1.25 B
2020: ActBlue Raised 4.31 B - Spent 4.26 B
2022: ActBlue Raised 2.22 B - Spent 2.24 B
OF NOTE: ActBlue DOES NOT verify up to 55% of their credit card transactions; and as part of its fundraising service, ActBlue provides fundraising software that allows its clients to maximize their fundraising activity...
WHO ARE ACTBLUE's "CLIENTS"??? - ACTBLUE Quid Pro Quo Dealings:
According to Election Watch's Peter Bernegger, the Warnock For Senate Campaign made 686,000 campaign donations to ActBlue using the WA DC branch of Amalgamated Bank (founded by the communist labor union in the 1930's) and the same bank where George Soros PACS are located. And $78,877,014.07 was paid from Warnock For Senate to ActBlue in 2021-2022, post. Over 717, 457 contributions. $78+ million from a Senator to ActBlue? Hmm...Post
OTHER LEFTIST GROUPS IMPLICATED: GMMB, Inc. is a political communications and advertising firm based in WA, D.C. with additional offices in Seattle and San Francisco and is the largest Democratic consulting firm in the US. Among many other campaigns, according to the website the illegal donations went to Biden, Fetterman, Hobbs, etc. I.e., MI Gov. Gretchen Whitmer paid GMMB $27,400,000.
OF INTEREST: Sam Bankman-Fried's Alameda Research paid FF Pac $5.24 M. FF Pac paid Waterfront Strategies $18 M. FF Pac is part of GMMB. Obama paid GMMB $749 M. Hillary paid GMMB $309 M. Biden paid GMMB $234 M and DNC Services paid GMMB $57,000,000. Post
OTHER FINDINGS: Per website, many of the WA State Election Integrity canvassing anomalies (“Registered” WA State Voters) found in 2021-22, are the same individuals found donating thousands of times to each to ActBlue in OTHER STATES. CAN YOU SAY “PHANTOM VOTERS!”
The more we look, the more we find proof of FRAUD! ALL the above raises very serious concerns and will require much more research and investigation. WE NEED U.S. CONGRESSIONAL SUBPOENAS SOON!
Now is the time for citizens to be more engaged than ever before and not be enslaved by the obvious corruption involved in our elections!
Election Watch of Wisconsin is encouraging individual donors and their family members to go to the FEC ONLINE DATABASE and check out their own listings. All records are public information.
* James O' Keefe (O'Keefe Media Group - OMG) is taking it one step further; through publicly available records, it was discovered that Maryland voters had excessive amounts of donations made in their names. OMG confirmed that they did NOT make these high-volume contributions! Video. O'Keefe is recommending people go to the doors of the donors, reminding people "this is all FEC data, and we are wondering if these donors are victims of what appears to be a money laundering scheme, or these residents actually participated in the scheme."
O'Keefe says "This is something that you can do, very easy to do, knocking on doors of a lot of homes with bizarre amounts of data showing tens of thousands of contributions made from the addresses of these homes." SAMPLE SCRIPT: "You want to say the person's name (let's call them Smith) Smith, did you donate to ActBlue? Do you know how many times donations were made in your name? Did you donate 3,000 times? Ask those questions in that manner in order to elicit honest responses."
VIDEO: O’Keefe Media Group Uncovers Potential MASSIVE Money Laundering into Political Campaigns
Postscript Yesterday according to Election Watch's Peter Bernegger: The top Election Administrator in Maryland, Linda Lamone, a key figure in the Smurfs and Campaign Money Laundering scheme announced her resignation. She is (was) the Director of Elections for Maryland. We dug into her property dealings and let her know; James O'Keefe attempted to interview her last week and she refused (VIDEO). You know all the election mandates the Feds have forced on us over the last 2-3 decades? It was Linda Lamone behind it all, pushing it. She is a Director of ERIC. She sits on other boards. If you want "Dr. Evil" in elections, it is Lamone.
More Info: April 2023 Chairman’s Corner Newsletter
Bill Bruch
Bill Bruch is the WA State GOP Election Integrity Chairman, WSRP Executive Board Member, 4-Term Skagit County GOP Chairman, Citizen Journalist, Blogger, Business Owner, Property Manager, 2020 WA State House Representative Candidate, Former Council Member, and WA State 2016 RNC National Convention Delegate.
____________________________________________________________________________OTHER RELATED ARTICLE / VIDEOS / LINKS:
Millions of Tiny, Suspicious Political Donations Questioned by Watchdog Group
Footage Shows Inquisitive Wisconsin Citizen Journalist Investigating Contribution Irregularities
RICO Election Crimes Exposed in Washington State
PODCAST EP.101 Exposed: Rico Election Crimes in Washington State
AUDIO PODCAST EP.102 Exposed: Rico Election Crimes in Washington State
MASSIVE Democrat Money Laundering Exposed!
James O' Keefe Biggest Drop Since Acorn!
James O’Keefe Gets Another Scalp: Subject of Undercover Video Ousted
Draza Smith Exposes RICO - Fake Voters and Fake Donors: Data Is Exposing the Steal