This is absolutely appalling. It seems there are many working on this behind the scenes. Is there a main website helping to organize all of the ways people can help? Have the local commissioners been briefed on this fraud and how can we approach our local agencies and tell them our citizen demands for rectifying this criminality?
Holy crap bill I didn't see this till now. Let's get together and compare notes
Wow, this is explosive stuff! Thanks for getting the word out!
Bill Bruch's great work has gone National! You can see more on Gateway Pundit!
wow. I did go on the link to and it doesn't seem to load.
How can we help rectify this situation in our communities?
This is absolutely appalling. It seems there are many working on this behind the scenes. Is there a main website helping to organize all of the ways people can help? Have the local commissioners been briefed on this fraud and how can we approach our local agencies and tell them our citizen demands for rectifying this criminality?