Why King County Elections Policies Foster Corruption and Fraud
Educate. Advocate. Mitigate. Activate!
In each Washington State election, county election workers compare the signature on the outside return envelope (for anyone to see when mailed-in) to the signature on the voter registration record. A ballot is supposed to be only opened and counted if election officials can match it to the signature on the registration record.
ISSUE: King County Elections, in coordination with the King County Jobs and Housing Program, is mailing notice letters to targeted “registered voters” in the parts of King County, asking for updated signatures for county elections records. The goal is to have an updated signature on file for everyone possible in the left-leaning King County, in time for the 2024 elections.
The reason? They say because signatures change over time, they want to make sure the “registered voter” has a current signature on file. So please just fill out this new signature update form and everything will now match and be nice and legal.
Or is there another ulterior motive?
King County is by far the largest populated county in Washington State, the county estimated 2023 population is 2,371,204 with 1,380,823 registered voters.
PROBLEM: This is a policy ripe for massive corruption and enables fraud!
Sending signature form letters to everyone on the voter rolls, knowing that many of these “registered voters” do not live at the addresses, is an easy way for bad actors to steal voter identities, vote illegal ballots and ultimately steal elections.
EXAMPLE: A nefarious person(s), entity, NGO, etc. can now intercept and sign this new signature form and match it to the original “registered voter” who no longer lives at that address. This is, in fact, using a fraudulent signature and making it “legal.”
What a great gift to criminals, who no longer need to forge signatures, they can simply make up new ones…
Also, anyone that previously voted a ballot (not a legal ballot of their own) where the signature did not match, can sign the new signature form allowing them to now vote the ballot(s). This creates a state sanctioned “legal” means to vote illegally. And aliases can abound…
And of course no one verifies these new identities of “registered voters” to make sure they are the same person. Signing an oath is good enough for the Secretary of State, county auditors, and election officials. And with lawlessness no longer punished in WA State, what do criminals have to lose???
THIS POLICY MUST END! One of the biggest problems with Washington State's election systems are corrupted, compromised, dirty voter rolls. The WA State SOS and King County elections are complicit and negligent, fostering fraud and ultimately more distrust in our elections. Policies like these delete the voter pool of legitimate votes and flood it with fraudulent votes for years to come.
This is also another good reason why we must end mail-in voting, go back to in-person, same day voting, with ID at the local precinct level.
When holding the equivalent of a person’s gold bar in your custody (their voting rights & ballots in all future elections), shouldn’t we be taking EVERY step possible to safeguard that precious asset vs making it as convenient and easy as possible for thieves to steal it?
Government’s primary role and directive as outlined in our founding documents, is to FIRST protect and secure each citizen’s individual rights. Why should rules for TREASURED VOTING RIGHTS, that are supposed to be protected by state and county elections officials, be easier than what banks require to access your own money? Would a bank accept random signatures via mail for sending out your funds to anyone who sends them a demand letter to do so? NO, of course not!
Until we start treating our precious voting rights like gold bars or cash in the bank, we will continue to be robbed of these rights by complicit state and county election offices able to disperse or dilute the value of our assets to anyone, through simple requests by mail.
SOLUTION: Election officials should REQUIRE in-person proof of citizenship AND valid state or federal photo ID with their signature, before accepting any new voting registrations or changing any voter’s registration records including voter’s signatures on file. There are much better and more secure ways to do this.
Also, in the meantime, all of King Counties "returned" and "forwarded" mail from this project should have all correlating registrations and ballots suspended
Bill Bruch
Bill Bruch is the WA State GOP Election Integrity Chairman, WSRP Executive Board Member, 4-Term Skagit County GOP Chairman, Citizen Journalist, Blogger, Business Owner, “2021 Citizen Activist of the Year” award by the Olympic Conference, 2020 WA State House Representative Candidate, Former Council Member, and WA State 2016 RNC National Convention Delegate.
This need to be shared on every social network platform! People need to realize that this is truly happening, and we need to stop it!!! We need to protect every legal voter's right to have a voice in who and what they vote for regardless of their race, religion or political leanings. We all need to educate and stand together in this to stop this blatant corruption!!!