This is a follow-up to my Aug 7 article, Why doorbelling to help clean the voter rolls is necessary for Election Integrity, exposing data-analyst findings of dozens of multi-state voters: E.g., people who were registered to vote AND VOTED in Washington State and at least in one other state in the 2020, 21 & 22 elections. The referenced dozens of double votes cast is likely representative of a much larger number of such cases.
Among recent door-to-door canvassing effort discoveries is a currently registered Seattle voter, who is also registered to vote in Washington, DC, at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW - The White House, since April 2020.
Few probably are concerned with the prospects of election fraud in the nation’s capital (supposedly a 90% + Democrat Stronghold) given the absolute iron-clad statements of how the 2020 elections were the most secure ever by former AG Bill Barr and his CyberSecurity & Infrastructure Agency Director, Chris Krebs. However, these claims are quickly eroding as mountains of voter and election fraud evidence keep pouring-in everyday from all over the U.S.
Perhaps finding one odd registration at The White House should be dismissed? But questions need to be asked: Why is this voter registration on the rolls (after 3 years) in the first place? How many fraudulent registrations and ballots cast are there? And, if it is so easy to add a “registered voter” and/or vote from America's Presidential Residence, is there ANYPLACE, ANY election system that is not exposed & hackable to wherever nefarious actors would dare to go?
The discovery of this dual registered Seattle and DC voter is just one of many security breaches documented, exposing significant concerns that drew attention to the US Capitol’s election system’s security. Some preliminary review of the DC voter registration database has exposed the same serious tampering seen with other jurisdictions canvassed.
Other curious examples: According to the most updated NCOA registered voter database, 10 people registered to vote at an upscale commercial business building, 1201 Connecticut Ave NW Suite 400 WA DC, the Longfellow Building. OF NOTE: ERIC’s HQ is located in Suite 600 at this same building. Hmm…
And an Iranian National female, who is registered as an active voter at 1201 Constitution Ave NW, WA DC, the Environmental Protection Agency EPA headquarters offices in the William Jefferson Clinton Federal Building.
Glaring breeches in the registration database should be of extreme concern! If such security breaches can and are apparently happening in every state’s voter registration system, it casts doubt in the outcome of elections using any of the current modern computerized systems, given their ease of hackability.
If the Electronic Registered Information Center (ERIC) was working to clean the voter rolls and Secretaries of State and County Auditors were doing their jobs to clean the rolls, at a minimum, such high-profile addresses would be accurate. Most especially where ERIC’s own HQ are located.
BOTH Washington State & DC, are ERIC “client” jurisdictions. ERIC is supposedly ensuring only legally eligible citizens can vote, and rolls are kept clean in a multi-state system to prevent people from being registered illegally in multiple jurisdictions. Yet, the more we look, the more problems we find.
Another troubling example: Sasquatch is a current-registered voter, having voted in Snohomish County, WA in the 2018 and 2020 elections.
ERIC receives data from member states and cross-checks it with other sources, i.e., Department of Motor Vehicle databases, to look for unregistered eligible voters. The lists of unregistered voters go back to states and counties, who send out vote registration mailers at taxpayers’ expense. An issue using DMV data to find new voters is that non-citizens are in these databases. And there is a conflict, as ERIC has a rule that states: “Under no circumstances shall the members transmit any record indicating an individual is a non-citizen of the U.S.”
It is interesting that ERIC wants to inflate the voter rolls by registering as many people as possible and does not want to know if the registered voter is a legal citizen...
ERIC does not work, it is flawed, corrupt and an embarrassment. Here are some more examples of ERIC’s problems:
Alabama Secretary of State Wes Allen went to the published address of the headquarters of ERIC in Feb., 2023 but found no ERIC headquarters at the location. There were no employees, no servers, no real ERIC presence of any kind. The location was operated by a company that offers virtual workspaces across the country and rents space by the day.
ERIC is a private corporation, registered in Delaware. As such, ERIC has absolutely no accountability to member states who surrender their rights and autonomy when they offload their duties to third-party entities.
ERIC was created with seed money from George Soros.
ERIC was founded in 2012 by know leftist David Becker while he was working at Pew Charitable Trusts. Initially, 7 states signed on to the program: Colorado, Delaware, Maryland, Nevada, Utah, Virginia, and Washington.
Becker’s bias was exposed in a probe of ethics violations while at the DOJ; he also worked as the Director of a far-left George Soros-funded advocacy group, People for the American Way.
In 2016, Becker founded the 501(c)(3), Center for Election Innovation and Research (CEIR), one of two groups that funneled $419 million in grant money from Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg to fund the private takeover of government election offices in 2020.
ERIC is set up to make and keep the voter rolls as large as possible.
ERIC is NOT transparent and NOT subject to the Freedom of Information Act for internal communications.
States pay membership dues with taxpayer money to join and then collect and submit personal data to ERIC: medical insurance information, marital status, dates of birth, driver’s license/ID card & SS #.
ERIC data is exempt from Sunshine Laws (laws open to the public).
ERIC requires (yes, mandates) member states to solicit eligible but unregistered voters, but has no mandates for purging the records of ineligible, fraudulent, and other improper ‘voters’ showing in their registration databases.
States are not allowed to share ERIC reports with the public. This violates the National Voter Registration Act (NVRA) that gives the public a right to inspect voter roll list maintenance documents.
ERIC does not require member states to remove unqualified voters.
50% of states using ERIC have more registered voters than residents of voting age (Non-ERIC member states do a better job of maintaining their voter records).Under ERIC, member states are mandated to conduct what are essentially Voter Registration, Get Out The Vote (GOTV) drives.
The ERIC agreement requires states to indemnify and hold harmless ERIC, and all ERIC’s undisclosed and unregulated contractors, subcontractors, and agents. Thus, does not require states to inform ERIC if any submitted names are non-citizens and thus ineligible to vote. So the reports ERIC provides back to the states contain both citizens and non-citizens in the list.
Taxpayers fund ERIC. Member states each pay a one-time fee of $25,000 - $75,000 and pay annual dues to cover operating costs that are based on the state’s citizen voting population. Dues for the 2022-23 fiscal year range from approx. $26,000 - $116,000. ERIC’s 2022-23 operating budget is about $1,538,000.
New Mexico had its first year’s fee of $75,000 paid for by the leftist Pew Charitable Trust as an enticement to join.
Judicial Watch found 29 states had huge registration excesses. Of the 8 worst states, 7 of 8 states are longtime members of ERIC (AK, CO, ME, MD, MI, RI & VT). In other words, ERIC is not effective in cleaning voter rolls!
Alabama, Florida, Iowa, Louisiana, Missouri, Ohio, Texas, Virginia, and West Virginia which have recently withdrawn from ERIC in the last year. 25 states and DC still belong to ERIC, but expect the mass exodus to continue with Utah, Kentucky and other states to follow.
SOLUTION: ERIC has over-promised and under-delivered, which is exactly why so many states are dropping out, and Washington State needs to opt-out of the ERIC catastrophe for the many reasons listed!
Bill Bruch
Bill Bruch is the WA State GOP Election Integrity Chairman, WSRP Executive Board Member, 4-Term Skagit County GOP Chairman, Citizen Journalist, Blogger, Business Owner, “2021 Citizen Activist of the Year” award by the Olympic Conference, 2020 WA State House Representative Candidate, Former Council Member, and WA State 2016 RNC National Convention Delegate.
Related Source Docs, Links and Articles:
Votes That Turn Out Not To Be Votes, Upon Closer Inspection
Secretary of State: ERIC Address is Vacant
How ERIC is Corrupting Our Voter Rolls in Wisconsin
Gaslighting from Soros-backed MLG on election integrity reaches new levels
ERIC Investigation, Part 1: Who’s “Cleaning” Our Voter Rolls - Soros Funded ERIC
ERIC Caught Sharing Voter Data with CEIR
Threats to Election Integrity ERIC-CEIR-REVERE
Protecting Your Vote: ERIC Must Make Reforms
Soros-funded ERIC is a Vote-Fraud Scheme
ERIC Sharing Data with Zuckerburg-Funded NGO