Now WA State Democrats Want to Criminalize Petition Signature Gathering...
Educate. Advocate. Mitigate. Activate!
There is a troubling effort happening in the 2025 Washington State Legislature. Democrats are doing everything in their power to stop the recent success of the very important statewide citizens initiative process.
With Democrat sponsored SB 5382: Concerning requirements pertaining to signatures and addresses of ballot measure petitioners and petition signature gatherers; Dems want to re-write state law and replace the language “To the Best of Our Knowledge” and replace it with “Must Affirm Under Penalty of False Swearing” which is a Gross Misdemeanor, possible $5,000 fine and one year in jail.
This bill is a slap in the face to the Office of the Secretary of State, who is solely responsible for validating and verifying all the legal registered voters' signatures on ballot measure petitions. Hmm…Why don’t State Democrats trust the SoS to do their job? Why all of a sudden is this a problem?
The bill would force the SoS to throw entire sheets of petitions away if petition gatherers do not swear under penalty of false swearing that all the people that signed the petition are valid, legal voters, which is of course unknowable!
It is quite interesting that state Dems allow virtually anyone to register to vote, and in-fact under current law, voters oftentimes vote in our elections without any proof of ID, other than an oath. Democrats even want to allow people to vote who have never stepped foot in Washington State, such as many UOCAVA Voters (per proposed SB 5017). But they want petition signature gatherers to be able to prove that who signed their petition is who they say they are, validating the voters’ ID, address, etc. which Dems know is virtually an impossible task…
See WA State Constitution Art. 2 Section 1 Legislative Powers (a) (b) (c) (d)
If Washingtonians are dissatisfied with laws or feel new laws are needed, they can petition to place proposed legislation on the ballot. The process is termed “Initiative” because the electorate can initiate legislation. The electorate can either place a proposition directly on the ballot or it can submit the proposed law to the Legislature allowing the elected representatives to enact the proposed legislation, instead of placing the measure on the ballot.
A Referenda allows citizens, through the petition process, to refer acts of the Legislature to the ballot before they become law. The Referenda also permits the Legislature to refer proposed legislation to the electorate for approval or rejection.
The Initiative and Referenda processes guarantee the electorate the right to legislate. Sponsors of Initiative or Referenda measures must obtain a substantial number of petition signatures from registered voters in order to certify their measures to the ballot or Legislature.
Washington’s history has shown the Initiative and Referenda processes to be effective in protecting the people’s interests. Many significant laws, such as public disclosure laws, were enacted by this process!
We should not be surprised that Dems want to try and scare the hell out of volunteers by criminalizing the process and threatening jail and fines! In 2024 Four of the Let’s Go Washington Citizen Initiatives: I-2066 STOP THE GAS BAN - Protect Energy Choice; I-2081 PARENTAL NOTIFICATION - Parents Have The Right To Know; I-2111 NO STATE INCOME TAX - Keep Washington Prosperous and I-2113 REASONABLE POLICE PURSUIT - No Fake Solutions ALL BECAME LAW via the citizen initiative / petition signature gathering process.
This is not a Republican or Democrat thing. On average with all the issues, 57% of the people, of ALL DEMOGRAPHICS that signed at least one of the four initiatives, either identified as Independent or Democrat. The majority of Washington voters are looking for common sense solutions to everyday problems!
Signature gatherers for Initiatives and Referendum ballot measures just want to help make life a little better for the good citizens of Washington State. Back off State Democrats or expect to be replaced from office!
There will be a SB 5382 Executive Session Hearing on Friday, Feb 14 @ 10:30 am. Please make your voice be heard!
Bill Bruch
Bill Bruch is the WA State GOP Election Integrity Chairman (5th year), WSRP Executive Board Member (5th Year), Skagit County GOP Chairman (9th year), Citizen Journalist, Blogger, Business Owner, “2021 Citizen Activist of the Year” award by the Olympic Conference, 2020 WA State House Representative Candidate, Former Council Member, and WA State 2016 and 2024 RNC National Convention Delegate.
Related Links:
SB 5382 Public Hearing - Feb 4 @ 1:30 pm - Video @ 1 hr 10 min
WA State SoS Initiative & Referenda Handbook - 2025
2024 Initiative Hall of Fame - The four LGW Initiatives voted into law in 2024